Chromebook 101
How do I Get a Chromebook?
In order to receive a Chromebook, TMS must have permission from the parent/guardian through the Chromebook Agreement form which you can get from the office, the media center. You can also fill out the agreement online through Scribbles. If you return a form to school, please return it to the main office or the media center.
I Don't Have Internet at Home
We have hotspots available for checkout if you need an Internet connection at home for assignments. Come to the library to check one out. Please do not discard the box your hotspot comes in as we will need that back at the end of the year for check-in.
What to Do if You Lose or Damage Your Chromebook
If your Chromebook is lost or damaged, please submit a ticket on the one-to-one app through Classlink. It is important that you get the ticket completed as soon as possible so a loaner can be assigned to you. If you are not sure what to do, please ask one of your teachers.
Chromebook price list:
Accidental Damage: Intentional Damage: Lost Items:
*1st offense: $0 *Each offense: $50 *Charger: $20
*2nd offense: $25 *Bag: $20
*3rd offense: $50 *Hotspot: $72
*Chromebook: $128
Homework Help
If your student needs help with homework, check out the following sites.